Here is a message from Suzy:
La COLF di mia vicina di casa sta cercando altre ore perche due delle sue famiglie partono tra poco. Ha lavorato anche per me durante l'estate. E bravissima,
non solo per pulire ma anche nel gestire animali domestici e emergenze varie.
My neighbour's cleaner is looking for additional hours because two of her families are leaving Italy shortly. She also worked for me during the summer.
She is excellent, not only for cleaning but also dealing with household pets and domestic emergencies.
non solo per pulire ma anche nel gestire animali domestici e emergenze varie.
My neighbour's cleaner is looking for additional hours because two of her families are leaving Italy shortly. She also worked for me during the summer.
She is excellent, not only for cleaning but also dealing with household pets and domestic emergencies.